Doolin Irish Seafood Chowder

Doolin Irish Seafood Chowder

1. Prep all ingredients as mentioned in the list. The recipe editor can be a pain, so when it comes to the shellfish, you can use a pound of clam and/or mussel meat. I used a combination of already cooked, shelled, and frozen meat. You can obviously cook and shell your own. I used smoked salmon and hake for my fish choices; but any combination listed would work just great. The spirit of Irish Seafood Chowder is in using what's locally caught and available, so try to do the same.

2. Add butter and onions to a pot and sweat until onions are translucent.

3. Add the carrots and celery and continue to sweat for a few more minutes.

4. Add the flour to the mix and allow it to "cook out" the raw flour flavor.

5. Add the potatoes, smoked fish, clam juice, and seafood stock to the pot.

6. At this point, you can let the chowder simmer for a while, but at least 15 minutes or so. I had done everything up to now before my guests arrived and then finished the following steps in the last 10 minutes prior to eating.

7. Add all of the remaining ingredient to the pot (shellfish meat, cubed fish, and heavy cream). Cook for 5-10 minutes until fish is done.

8. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with Irish Brown Bread & butter.


