Double Maple Muffins

Double Maple Muffins

1. Grease 18 regular muffin cups.

2. In large bowl, beat eggs, then stir in sour cream and maple syrup.

3. Add flour, bran, and baking soda and stir just until moistened.

4. Stir in nuts.

5. Divide evenly among muffin cups.

6. Bake until done (about 15 minutes).

7. Mix butter and remaining maple syrup until well blended to make a glaze.

8. When muffins are done, remove from muffin cup pans. Place 1 teaspoon glaze in bottom of each cup.

9. Dip top of muffins into remaining glaze and then return upright to muffin cups. L.

10. et stand 15 minutes or so to absorb glaze on bottom.

11. Keep spooning glaze over top. Serve warm.


