Doukhobor Borshch

Doukhobor Borshch

1. in large soup pot, place peeled potatoes that have been halved, i generally put about 8-10 halves in, also the peeled beet, then water just to cover. Add 1/4 cup whipping cream and the sale. Bring to a boil and let simmer until potatoes are cooked.

2. while the potatoes are simmerinng, in a small pot place the hand mashed tomatoes and about 1/4 cup butter. Set this to simmer.

3. while that is going put 1/2 the cabbage thinly shredded in a large frying pan with the minced onion and 1/4 to 1/3 cup butter, saute until the cabbage and onion have turned golden brown.

4. when potatoes are soft, remove the beet and throw it away. remove potatoes and mash them with butter and pepper. I like to add a dash of whipping cream here.

5. dice potatoes, (about 2 cups worth) and add to soup pot. Bring to a boil, and then add the other half of the cabbage that has been finely shredded. bring to a boil again. Then add the tomato butter mixture, and then add the fried cabbage and mashed potatoes. stir well and just bring to boil.

6. sprinkle with dill weed and enjoy.

7. this recipe tastes even better the next day.


