Dresdner Weihnachtsstollen

Dresdner Weihnachtsstollen

1. Make a soft, pliable yeast dough from the first 6 ingredients and let stand in bowl for 10 minutes.

2. Knead the lemon peel, zest, almonds, and rum into the dough.

3. When all other ingredients are equally distributed, add the raisins.

4. Roll into an oval and place on a greased baking sheet. Let rest for 10 to 15 minutes.

5. Still on baking sheet, wrap dough well in aluminium foil and store in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.

6. Remove from refrigerator and take off foil. Sprinkle flour around the loaf to prevent the dough from spreading.

7. Place loaf in a pre-heated 350-400° oven and bake 50-60 minutes, till pale gold in color. Remove from oven.

8. Brush with melted butter and dust with Confectioner's sugar. Repeat until butter and sugar are used up.

9. Stollen should have a thick, white layer.


