Dutch Moorkoppen

Dutch Moorkoppen

1. Filling: 500 ml double cream (or heavy cream), whipped with 60 gr sugar and 15 g vanilla sugar Icing: 100 gr icing sugar 10 gr cacao (or cocoa) 1.5 tablespoon warm water About 8 pieces of fruit (e.g.

2. pineapple chunks, strawberries) Sift the flour and the salt. Bring the water to the boil, together with the butter.

3. (it really has to boil!). Add the flour and salt and mix.

4. Remove from heat. Beat well with a wooden spoon until there are no lumps left. Now add one of the eggs, stir with a wooden spoon, then beat very thoroughly until it has been absorbed.

5. Add the second egg, stir, beat again very thoroughly until it has been absorbed.

6. Beat the remaining egg in a little bowl, and add this spoon by spoon until the pastry mixture has a velvety consistency that keeps its shape when pulled into points with the spoon.

7. Then beat the pastry mixture till it is fluffy and shining.

8. Make with 2 spoons dipped in water, about 8 ball shaped heaps on a well-greased baking tin.

9. Bake in the middle of a preheated oven (200-225 degree.C) in 30-40 minutes golden and puffy.

10. Do not open the oven door the first 20 minutes! Leave them for about 5 minutes in the oven with the door opened, and then remove the choux puffs from the tin.

11. Put them on a wire rack to cool down.

12. Make the icing just before filling the choux puffs.

13. Make a cut in the puffs sides and pipe in the cream.

14. Keep some of the cream to decorate the top.

15. Mix the icing sugar and the cacao, and add drip by drip the water.

16. Stir with a metal spoon, until thick and slightly fluid.

17. Stir this till it shines and stick to the back of the spoon.

18. Dip the tops of the filled choux puffs with a twisting move in the icing, so that the top is covered.

19. Put the moorkoppen on a wire rack with a plate under it. Leave them for about. 30 minutes until the icing is hard.

20. Pipe a puff of the remaining cream on it, and decorate this with a piece of fruit.


