East Meets West Rojak (Fruit Salad)

East Meets West Rojak (Fruit Salad)

1. Soak apple slices for five minutes in a solution of 1 tbsp lime juice mixed with 1 cup water.

2. Layer thinly-sliced fruit into a shallow glass dish, Or you may stack them in layers on individual plates/bowls.

3. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve (this can be done several hours ahead).

4. Toast peanuts and sesame seeds in 350F oven for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. To make dressing, combine all the dressing ingredients (apart from the peanuts and sesame seeds) in a small bowl, stirring well.

6. Add the sesame seeds and half the peanuts.

7. Serve in a bowl alongside the salad.

8. The remaining chopped peanuts should be offered as an additional garnish which guests can sprinkle on their salad.


