Easter "Baskets" Bread

Easter "Baskets" Bread

1. In a large bowl throughly mix 2 cups flour, sugar, salt and undissolved Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast.

2. Combine milk, water and Fleischmann's Margarine in a saucepan.

3. Heat over low heat until liquids are very warm (120 F- 130 F).

4. Margarine does not need to melt.

5. Gradually add liquids to dry ingredients and beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally.

6. Add 3 eggs and 3/4 cup flour.

7. Beat at high speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally.

8. Stir in enough additional flour to make a soft dough.

9. Turn out onto lightly floured board; knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes.

10. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top.

11. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.

12. Punch dough down; turn out onto lightly floured board.

13. Divide dough into 8 equal pieces.

14. Take about 1/4 of each piece and set aside.

15. Shape larger pieces into round balls.

16. On greased baking sheets, press large pieces of dough down into circles, about 1/2 inch thick.

17. Place a hard-cooked egg in center of each.

18. Divide each of the remaining 8 pieces of dough in half.

19. Shape each into 2 ropes, cross in an"X" over each egg and tuck underneath dough.

20. Cover; let rise.

21. Keep free from draft, until doubled in bulk.

22. Sprinkle"baskets" with colored nonpareils.

23. Bake at 350 F degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.

24. Remove from baking sheets and serve cooled with whipped butter or jelly.


