Easy Caramello Chocolate Mousse

Easy Caramello Chocolate Mousse

1. Melt the chocolate in the top of a double boiler, stirring constantly until there are no lumps.

2. Add 150ml of the cream and stir to combine.

3. Put to one side until the mixture is cool (I have even cheated if I am in a hurry& put this in the fridge/freezer, but just watch it doesn't freeze otherwise it will be ruined).

4. When cool, whip the remaining cream in a bowl.

5. Spoon the chocolate mixture into the whipped cream, and fold until well combined.

6. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge until set.

7. You can also pour this into individual ramekins if you are having a dinner party, and then garnish with chocolate shavings before serving.

8. This is really quite rich so a little goes a long way.

9. You can also use mint chocolate (with a flowing centre) but the caramello tastes much better.


