Easy Risoni Salmon Frittata With Mayonnaise

Easy Risoni Salmon Frittata With Mayonnaise

1. Grease a 19cm x 30cm (71/2" x 12") pan and line the sides and the base with baking paper.

2. Add pasta to a large pot of boiling, salted water and boil, uncovered, for 12 minutes or until tender; drain and place in a large bowl.

3. Add the peas, salmon, spring onions and lemon zest and stir with the pasta until the mixture is well-combined; stir in the eggs and the mayonnaise; add the dill, salt and pepper, to taste; and transfer the mixture to the prepared pan.

4. Cook, uncovered, in a moderate oven (180°C/350°F-375°F/4-5 gas mark) for 45 minutes, or until lightly browned and firm; stand in the pan for a further 10 minutes before cutting.

5. If serving the frittata with warmed crusty rolls, warm them in the oven for the last few minutes that the frittata is cooking and leave them in the oven after you have turned it off and remove just before serving the frittata.

6. Serve the frittata warm or cold topped with extra mayonnaise and salad greens or baby spinach leaves and warmed crusty rolls.


