Easy Sticky Rice (In A Pasta Pot)

Easy Sticky Rice (In A Pasta Pot)

1. Rinse the amount of rice you're using three times, then fill a bowl with cool water and let the rice soak overnight. It takes 5-6 hours for the rice to fully expand and soften.

2. TIP: a good shortcut is to soak the rice in very warm water. When the water is cool, the rice will be soft. The water will turn murky and the rice grains slightly slimy, rinse once more in cool water. It might not be as soft and sticky as rice that has been soaked overnight, but it will do the job.

3. Test to see if the rice is ready by pressing a grain lightly with your fingernails. If it breaks easily, it's ready.

4. Line the steamer basket insert of a pasta pot with fresh corn husks or soaked dried corn husks (easy to find in Hispanic markets). Spray the husks with oil to prevent the rice from sticking, then spread the soaked rice evenly over the husks.

5. Fill the pot with water to just under the steamer basket insert. Put the steamer insert into the pot, cover and bring to a boil over medium high heat.

6. Steam the rice for at least 20 minutes, or longer.

7. Transfer the rice to a serving bowl when ready to serve. Cover the rice with some corn husks to keep it moist and warm.

