Easy Tofu Lasagna

Easy Tofu Lasagna

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a large bowl crumble in the drained and rinsed Hard Tofu.

3. Add 12 oz of the Shredded Mozzarella, Ricotta Cheese, and spices (also, try portabello mushrooms, cooked diced chicken, spinach, broccoli, etc for added flavor).

4. Fold together everything in the bowl with a large spoon- Set aside.

5. In a 9" x 13" pan, spoon a layer of spaghetti sauce (using a flavored sauce- like mushroom- would save you from adding mushrooms separately).

6. Then add a layer of lasagne noodles (Because the noodles are usually not long enough for this pan, I usually rip one noodle in half to use vertically and then 3 horizontally, like an elongated"E").

7. Spoon on a layer of filling, then a layer of sauce, then a layer of noodles (this time a backwards"E").

8. Continue layering like this until you run out of ingredients (even throwing some extra filling or sauce on top is fine).

9. Top with remaining 4 oz mozzarella and some parsley.

10. Cook for 45 min to 1 hr, or until hot and bubbly.

11. Cut in squares.


