Easy Vegetarian Lasagne (Some Assembly Required)

Easy Vegetarian Lasagne (Some Assembly Required)

1. Get a big pot heating up for the pasta, make sure you salt it well, I think it's amazing how much better the pasta tastes when you've put a good tablespoon of salt in there, or more!) Chuck in your pasta when it starts boiling. Make sure you keep an eye on it and drain it and cool it with some cold water when it's tender but still has some bite (just eat some to check - should be around 10 mins).

2. Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in a new saucepan. Keep this cooking (stir occasionally) while you prepare the rest of the food.

3. Cut up your silverbeet into thin strips (don't need to be fussy, just so that it can be sprinkled into layers. Cut up your rocket, parsley, or other herbs.

4. It's time to layer. I used a deep small casserole dish. So, now put half the silverbeet in the bottom of your baking dish, then some dollops of cottage cheese (about a quarter of the tub), then some tomato (about a third) and some rocket and parsley, then half of the pasta. Repeat those layers once more. On the top goes the rest of the tomato mix, then the rest of the cottage cheese (so there's a nice thick cheesey layer on the top, yum!) the rest of the herbs, and a smattering of other harder cheese to get crispy in the oven.

5. Put it in the oven at medium heat until the cheese on top is golden. There's no set time, especially because everything is already cooked. You could grill it if you wanted to, but baking it for 20 minutes or so lets all the flavours meld together.


