Easy Veggie Enchiladas With Quick Sauce

Easy Veggie Enchiladas With Quick Sauce

1. Sauté olive oil, spices and flour in a pot (it must hold about 4 cups of enchilada sauce) until browning and fragrant.

2. Break up clumps as best you can.

3. Add vegetable broth, tomato sauce and salsa and simmer, stirring frequently until thickened.

4. Preheat oven to 350°F.

5. Sauté veggies with olive oil or butter until onions are transparent.

6. Heat tortillas in the microwave until soft (about 35 seconds) or put some butter in a skillet and toast that way.

7. The tortillas just need to be soft enough to fold into enchiladas without breaking.

8. Fill tortillas with veggie mixture.

9. Add desired amount of cheese.

10. Drizzle sauce in enchilada.

11. Fold.

12. Fill a pan or casserole dish with a thin layer of enchilada sauce, place enchiladas in dish as completed.

13. Finally, pour sauce over enchiladas and sprinkle remaining cheese on top.

14. Bake 15-20 minutes at 350°F.

15. Enjoy!

16. **Any additional veggies or spices can be added, removed or altered in accordance to personal tastes- let me know how it works out!

17. **.


