Efo Riro And Pounded Yam

Efo Riro And Pounded Yam

1. * Wash, season and bring all meats to boil. Season with 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 cubes of maggi, 1 tablespoon of dry pepper and boil till meat is tender.

2. *Blend tomatoes and scotch bonnet peppers and boil till water dries.

3. *If using raw spinach, wash and blanch your spinach to get rid of excess water and shred.

4. *Separate meats and stock into different bowls. Heat up groundnut oil and fry meats till brown.

5. *Heat up palm oil and pour in chopped onions and fry.

6. *Pour in blended tomatoes and pepper and fry.

7. *Add stock, salt, maggi, crayfish powder, locust beans and leave to simmer for 5 minutes.

8. *Add fried meats and stir inches.

9. *Add chopped spinach and stir inches Leave to simmer for 2 minutes.

10. Serve with Pounded yam or with any accompaniment of your choice.


