Egg Drop Soup (Tamago Toji)

Egg Drop Soup (Tamago Toji)

1. Heat stock in a saucepan and stir in salt and soy sauce.

2. If using mushrooms, wash and slice thinly and add to the stock.

3. Simmer for 3-4 minutes.

4. Bring soup to a boil and with a ladle or chopsticks stir the soup clockwise.

5. Pour in the beaten egg, remove the soup from the heat and stir counterclockwise.

6. If using add trefoil/coriander/chives, cover pot for 30-40 seconds then uncover and add pepper.

7. Serve immediately.

8. If you cannot find the sansho/Szechwan peppercorns, I imagine a pinch of standard black pepper (or a blend, which often contain sansho/Szechwan peppercorns) will do.


