Egg Mix (Anda)

Egg Mix (Anda)

1. Hard boil 3 eggs for about 10 minutes and when done, shell them and cut them into quarters vertically. Put to one side. Meanwhile slice onion and pepper into long strips. Chop carrot into julienne strips, chop the coriander and beat the 4th egg in a bowl.

2. Steam the pepper slightly. Steam the carrot slightly. Heat oil gently in a pan, add onions and fry until soft, then add the peppers and stirfry for about 5 minutes. Add the carrot, turmeric poweder, garam masala powder and stir.

3. Then add the beaten egg and stir. Finally add the stock cube. Cook gently for 7 to 8 minutes or so. Remove from heat. place the egg slices on top and deocrate with chopped coriander leaves. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

4. Serve with Chapathis.


