Eggplant (Aubergine) &Amp; Bell Pepper Dip

Eggplant  (Aubergine) &Amp; Bell Pepper Dip

1. Prick the skins of the eggplants & peppers all over with a fork & brush with 1 tbsp of the olive oil; place on a baking sheet & baked in a preheated 375F oven for 45 minutes, or until the skins are beginning to turn black, the flesh of the eggplant is very soft & the peppers are deflated.

2. Place the vegetables into a bowl & cover tightly with a clean, damp dish towel or place in a plastic bag; let stand for about 15 minutes or until cool enough to handle.

3. Cut the eggplants in half, lengthwise, scoop out the flesh & discard the skin; cut into large chunks.

4. Remove & discard the stem, seeds & core from the peppers; cut the flesh into large pieces.

5. Heat the remaining oil in a skillet; add the vegetables & cook for 5 minutes, add garlic & cook for an additional 30 seconds.

6. Turn the skillet contents onto paper towels to drain & transfer into a food processor; add the remaining ingredients, plus salt & pepper to taste, and process until a speckled puree is formed.

7. Transfer to serving bowl; serve warm, at room temperature or cool for 30 minutes, chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour & serve cold – with thick slices of baguette or toast.


