Eggplant (Aubergine) -Spinach Curry

Eggplant (Aubergine) -Spinach Curry

1. Put eggplant cubes in colander over large bowl, sprinkle with kosher salt, and let stand for 30 minutes to sweat. Pat dry and remove excess salt with paper towels or clean dishcloth. (Careful, this juice stains!).

2. Toast mustard seeds in a small dry non-stick pan over medium-low heat until they turn grey and begin to pop. Remove from heat and reserve in a small bowl.

3. Place eggplant in a mid-sized steamer and cook for about 10 minutes, until eggplant is soft and tender but not mushy. Remove from heat and reserve.

4. Heat canola oil in large pot over medium heat. Add onion and sauté until golden. Stir in garlic, ginger, and all other spices, being careful to avoid scorching.

5. After 1 minute, add spinach and tomatoes. Raise heat to high and boil for 2 minutes, stirring often. Turn heat down to low and simmer with lid on for 20 minutes to allow flavours to blend.

6. Stir in reserved mustard seeds and eggplant. Once eggplant is hot, stir in yogurt and chopped cilantro. Remove from heat.

7. Serve alone on a bed of rice, or with a beef curry and naan bread.


