Egyptian Fig Roll Cookies

Egyptian Fig Roll Cookies

1. Filling:

2. Mix the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring up to a gentle simmer.

3. Cook for 30 minutes, until all the liquid is absorbed and figs begin to turn into a "paste".

4. Transfer to a food processor and purée a thick consistency.

5. Cool completely, then transfer to a plastic zip-top bag and set aside. (Note: you can make this up to 3 days in advance).

6. Dough:

7. Whisk together the flours, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

8. Cream the butter, shortening, sugar, egg whites and extracts in a bowl.

9. Add the dry ingredients, beating to combine into a dough.

10. Wrap well in plastic and chill at least one hour.

11. Assembly:

12. Preheat the oven to 325 and line a baking sheet.

13. Roll the dough into a thin layer (less than 1/4") on a floured surface or between sheets of waxed paper.

14. Slice strips about 3 1/4" wide, and pipe the filling along the centre of each.

15. Fold the sides over the filling, lightly pressing down to seal (add a brushing of water if necessary to stick).

16. Slice into "two bite" sized pieces (about 1") and place on the lined sheet.

17. Bake, one sheet at a time, for 12 minutes. Keep unbaked cookies in the fridge between bakes (or freeze for later baking).


