Egyptian Seasoned Countryside Bread (Koras)

Egyptian Seasoned Countryside Bread (Koras)

1. If you like you can toast the sesame seeds and the anise and fennel first to intensify their taste.

2. Put the flour in a big bowl + salt +sugar +all the seeds +vanilla +yeast.

3. Mix lightly.

4. Put your ghee or butter on heat till it bubbles lightly, let cool a little bit then add to the flour, mix well, then add the cream and the yogurt, knead well till you have a soft manageable dough, a little bit sticky.

5. Let it rise covered in a warm dark place for 1/2 hour.

6. Then cut it into large egg sized balls.

7. Let rise again for 2 hour.

8. Press each ball into a disc the size you prefer, and put in your trays, don’t use the rolling pin in this step pressing the balls by hands gives much better results.

9. You don’t need to brush the trays with anything.

10. Leave to rise one last time 30-60min.

11. Then turn on the oven on medium heat, with a knife draw parallel lines on each disc, brush lightly with (egg + milk + vanilla) mix, and put the trays in the preheated moderate oven, it will take 10-15 min, don’t leave it for so long so it won't get dry, once the bottom is red u can use the grill to put some color on the surface.


