Elegant Tri-Colored Polenta

Elegant Tri-Colored Polenta

1. Saute 2/3 of the garlic (4 cloves) in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until just golden.

2. Add chopped tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste and simmer for 30 minutes.

3. Reserve.

4. Arrange spinach, while still wet from washing, in a large skillet and sprinkle with salt.

5. Place over moderate heat and cook until spinach is completely wilted.

6. Drain thoroughly of all excess water and chop coarsley.

7. Saute spinach with remaining garlic (2 cloves) in 2 tablespoons olive oil and reserve.

8. Saute leeks in 2 tablespoons olive oil over low heat until golden.

9. Reserve.

10. Combine goat cheese, yogurt and thyme in a bowl and blend until creamy and spreadable.

11. Reserve.

12. Dissolve 2 teaspoons salt in water in a large pot (preferably not too deep).

13. Stir in cornmeal with a wire wisk and place over moderate heat.

14. Continue stirring constantly with the whisk until cornmeal begins to thicken, then change to a wooden spoon.

15. Polenta is done when it pulls away from the sides of the pan (about 15 minutes).

16. Place 2/3 of the polenta in a bowl.

17. Add 1 cup of the tomatoes.

18. Add spinach to the remaining 1/3 of the polenta.

19. Spread half the tomato-polenta mixture on the bottom of a lightly oiled 9 inch spring-form cake pan.

20. Spread 1/2 of the goat cheese mixture over the tomato-polenta, then spread half of the leeks next.

21. Continue layering the spinach-polenta mixture, the remaining goat cheese mixture and the remaining leeks.

22. Top with the remaining tomato-polenta mixture.

23. Bake in a 450ยบ oven for 25 minutes.

24. Allow to stand at least 10 minutes before removing spring-form ring.

25. Cut in wedges and serve with remaining tomato sauce.


