Enchanted Beef Bites

Enchanted Beef Bites

1. First cut up skirt steak into bite-sized pieces, about 1/2 inch. Combine soy sauce, pineapple juice and pepper in a small saucepan, bring to a boil and add in the chopped skirt steak. Simmer for about 4 minutes, or until steak is fully cooked. Remove from heat and drain.

2. To assemble: Place one won ton wrapper on a work surface. Spread about 1 teaspoon of cream cheese in center. Top with a couple of bite sized pieces of the prepared beef, a couple pieces of chopped green onion, about 1/2 teaspoon of chopped green chile, and about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of crushed pine cuts. Moisten the tips of your finger and rub around the edge of the won ton wrapper. Bring the edge together and pinch together, sealing firmly and creating a small package. Repeat with the remaining won ton wraps.

3. When all the wraps are filled bring a 4 inch depth of oil to a high heat in a 4 quart or larger saucepan. Gently drop in the beef bites and fry until crisp and golden, about 1-2 minutes. Remove from oil, drain on paper towels and arrange on platter.


