End-Zone Enchilada Casserole

End-Zone Enchilada Casserole

1. Preheat oven to 375.

2. Coarsely crumble 6 cups chips into very large mixing bowl; add onion, beans, sauces and 1 1/2 cups cheese; stir to combine; spoon into 13x9 pan or casserole dish; bake for 20 minutes.

3. Spread sour cream over top of casserole, then sprinkle with remaining chips and cheese; bake for another five minutes--cheese will be melted and bubbly.

4. Serve immediately.

5. VARIATIONS: Add some black olives, substitute some of the sauce with salsa, serve with shredded lettuce or place on a bed of lettuce.

6. HEARTY VERSION: Brown some hamburger, mix with the sauces -- .


