English Muffin Breakfast Remix

English Muffin Breakfast Remix

1. Take your english muffin and half it.

2. spread the butter equally on both halves of the english muffin.

3. put the halves on a cooking sheet and put them into the oven, set the oven on broil and watch the halves and wait till the edges start to brown then take them out and put them on plate.

4. take your eggs and crack them into a bowl.If you would like to add the optional cheese and bacon, add them now.Whisk the cheese, bacon, and eggs together.

5. Heat up a small frying pan and grease it,after you have greased your pan add the egg mixture into the pan and scramble the eggs.

6. Once the eggs are all done and scrambled equally place the eggs atop of the two halves of the buttered english muffin and enjoy!


