English Onion Soup With Sage And Mozzarella

English Onion Soup With Sage And Mozzarella

1. In a large pot, under low heat, melt the butter and olive oil. Add the garlic and sage leaves. Add the onions, shallots, and leeks. Partially cover the pot and let the onion mix simmer very slowly under the low heat for 50 minutes - 1 hour, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. The mix will reduce by about half, so don't be fooled by the large initial amount.

2. Once your onions have reduced and become sweet, add the beef stock and bring to a boil. Add the red wine. Simmer under medium heat for 15 minutes. Taste and correct the seasoning with salt.

3. Preheat your oven to the broil setting.

4. While the soup is simmering, prepare 4 oven proof bowls on a baking sheet and have your stale bread, cheese, and worcestershire sauce handy. Ladle the soup into the bowls.

5. Tear each slice of bread so that it fits over the soup like a lid. Sprinkle the top with a generous amount of cheese and drizzle a little worcestershire sauce on top.

6. Broil for 2-3 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly.

7. Serve hot!


