English Pastry Pinwheels With Cheese And Onion

English Pastry Pinwheels With Cheese And Onion

1. Fry the onions until soft and cooked.

2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C or 350 degrees F.

3. Lay out the puff pastry sheet.

4. Spread the mashed potato over the pastry, leaving a half inch gap at one end (if you have a rectangular sheet of pastry, leave the gap along one of the longer sides). This will allow the pastry to seal once rolled and stop the filling overflowing.

5. Spread the onions and cheese over the mashed potato, again leaving a gap.

6. Roll the pastry tightly towards the end with a gap in the filling.

7. Dampen with water the pastry where you have left a gap and use this part to seal the end to the roll.

8. Cut into 3/4 inch pinwheels and bake on a tray in the oven for 12-13 minutes, or until the pastry is cooked and the cheese golden.

9. Allow to cool slightly before removing from the tray.

10. Serve warm or at room temperature.


