English Sherry Trifle

English Sherry Trifle

1. Spoon approximately 1/3 of whipping cream into bottom of glass serving bowl.

2. Next, a layer of 1 cup fruit cocktail, a layer of banana, a layer of 1 cup puried strawberries, and finally half of the sponge cubes.

3. Pour 1 cup of Sherry over cake cubes.

4. Put 1/3 whipping cream on top, and repeat with alternate layers of fruit cocktail, banana, strawberry, and cubes with Sherry.

5. Top with remaining whipped cream, and whole berries for garnish.

6. Sponge Cake: beat egg yolks and lemon juice until pale, add 3/4 cup sugar and beat well.

7. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites, add salt, and 1/4 cup sugar beating until stiff.

8. Stir 1/4 of the whites into yolk mixture. Spoon the rest carefully into yolk.

9. Sift flour on top, fold in melted butter until blended.

10. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

11. Pour batter into tube pan, bake 45 minutes (or until toothpick comes out clean). Invert and cool.


