Er’S Best Fish Tacos In The World!!

Er’S Best Fish Tacos In The World!!

1. Making the cabbage - Shred cabbage into a large mixing bowl and add 2 tablespoons limejuice, toss and let sit.

2. Making Shells - Using a Panini press, skillet or grill set on high heat, press and heat tortillas (two at a time or whatever will fit without overlapping) until tortillas are crisp yet still malleable. Remove from heat form into taco shell then set aside. Shells should be a balance of crispy and soft.

3. Making the Sauce - In a small mixing bowl combine mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons lime juice, cilantro and finely diced red onion. Mix until well-combined, let sit.

4. Making the Fish - Lightly coat fish in olive oil and season with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. In the same device used to heat the tortillas, set to high heat and cook fish for 4-5min flipping after 3min. remove from heat, shred and place in serving dish.

5. Assembling your best Fish Taco - Recipe works best as a communal dining experience! Place all of the taco separates in the dinning area and allow each person to build their own taco.

6. The foundation - Take a taco shell a place a generous portion of shredded cabbage in the shell filling it ¾ of the way full.

7. Putting the fish in “Fish Taco” - Place a medium size portion of the shredded mahi mahi on top of the cabbage filling the remain free space in the shell.

8. The Top - Finally coat the top of the taco with the sauce… and Enjoy!


