Ethiopian Ground Beef Mild Stew (Minchet-Abesh Alicha)

Ethiopian Ground Beef Mild Stew  (Minchet-Abesh Alicha)

1. In medium pot sauté the onion using one cup of boiled water by adding two tablespoon each time until the onion is soft and golden brown.

2. In the cooked onion, add one cup boiled water, purified butter, garlic, ginger, bishop weeds, wine and turmeric. Cook for 5 minutes.

3. On a baking pan, spread the ground beef and cook it in oven or stir-fry until brown.

4. Sprinkle the stir-fry ground beef in the sauce; mix well; add two cups boiled water; cover and cook it for 20 minutes or until simmers.

5. Add to the stew white pepper, salt and false cardamom; cook it for 5 minutes; remove from heat.

6. Serve it hot with Injera, rice, bread or as desired.

7. * You will find these spices in Ethiopian or Indian shops/groceries.

8. ** Please go to to see how to prepare Clarified/Purified Butter (Nitir Kebe).


