Famous Calzone From Chez Panisse Restaurant

Famous Calzone From Chez Panisse Restaurant

1. Combine filling well and set aside.

2. May be made several hours in advance and refrigerated.

3. Preheat oven with pizza bricks already inside to 450* F.

4. Roll the dough out into 4 circles.

5. It has to be as thin as possible otherwise the dough doesn't cook on the inside.

6. Put 1/4 of the filling on one half of one circle of dough, leaving an inch of margin space all around the edges.

7. Moisten the edges with water and fold the other half over the filling to make the edges meet.

8. Seal it tightly.

9. Repeat this with the other three dough circles.

10. Do not prick holes in it, and patch any holes you've accidentally made as tightly as you can.

11. You are aiming for a steam-tight calzone.

12. Put the calzones gently onto a pizza paddle, two at a time, on which you've flung some polenta, flour or cornmeal for ball bearings and slide them onto pizza bricks.

13. Bake for about 15 minutes until quite brown on top.

14. At the restaurant, it always arrives just a little charred on top.

15. Remove from oven and brush with a little olive oil.


