Fancy Terrine Of Black-Eyed Peas (Nigerian)

Fancy Terrine Of Black-Eyed Peas (Nigerian)

1. Soak black-eyed peas overnight. Drain. Remove skins by rubbing the peas together in water and letting the skins float to the top, then drain again and discard skins.

2. Preheat oven to 375°F.

3. Combine soaked skinned black eyed peas with onion, tomato paste, red pepper and salt in a food processor or blender and process until completely smooth. *Add 4-6 tbsp of water if necessary. You should not feel any lumps when you rub mixture between your fingers.

4. Stir in oil, Maggi sauce and curry powder.

5. Combine chopped onions and green peppers in a small bowl.

6. Grease a 9-inch loaf pan.

7. Pour 1 ½ cups of pea puree into the pan.

8. Layer half of the shrimp and half of the onion/pepper mixture.

9. Spread 1 more cup of pea puree into pan.

10. Layer hardboiled egg slices over this. Spread chopped meat on top of egg slices.

11. Spread 1 more cup of puree over meat. Add remaining shrimp, and then the remaining onion/pepper mixture. Spread the rest of the puree on top.

12. Cover with foil and bake 1 hour.

13. Remove foil and bake an additional 15 minutes until the top is browned.

14. Cool in pan 20 minutes before turning out onto rack.


