Fantastic Filo Pastries

Fantastic Filo Pastries

1. Mash feta cheese with the back of a fork, mince the eggs.

2. Mix together cheese, eggs, parsley, scallion, dill and black pepper. Test for salt and add to taste.

3. butter a baking try and heat the oven to 350.

4. Remove one sheet of pastry and cover the rest (try to work fast).

5. Cut the sheet lengthwise into 4 strips, each 3 inches wide. Fold up three of the strips and put them under the covers.

6. Spread the remaining strip in front of you on the work surface and brush with butter, put 1 heaping teaspoon of stuffing kitty corner from the lefthand top corner (in such a way that you can take the top corner and fold it so that the corner will touch the bottom edge, forming a triangle. The stuffing should be in the triangle).

7. Fold the corner over the stuffing and continue folding, forming triangles as you until you reach the end. You should end up with a many layered triangle.

8. Place seam side down on the buttered baking tray.

9. brush the tops with butter.

10. Bake 35 min or until golden brown.

11. Eat and enjoy!


