Fastnacht Kartoffel Kuchen - Potato Cake

Fastnacht Kartoffel Kuchen - Potato Cake

1. Boil potatoes in enough water to cover.

2. Drain, saving potato water.

3. Msh potatoes and beat well.

4. Measure potato water and add enough more to make 1 1/2 pints.

5. Combine with remaining ingredients, including potatoes, using enough flour to make a rather stiff batter.

6. Cover and let rise in a warm place until morning.

7. Knead, adding as much flour as is necessary to make a stiff dough.

8. Let rise again until doubled.

9. Spread on well-greased pans and let rise again until light (about 1 1/4 hours).

10. Brush melted butter on top.

11. Mix all the streusel ingredients together until very crumby.

12. Sprinkle cakes with streusel.

13. Bake at 400F until golden (about 20 minutes).


