Fat Matt'S Favorite Thin Crust Pizza

Fat Matt'S Favorite Thin Crust Pizza

1. Brown your ground beef on med heat until done. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. On your premade thin crust, cover with an ample amount of pizza sauce. Use half of your thinly sliced pepperoni. The pepperoni should be thin enough to crush up into a ball. They may come partially undone but that's ok. Put the balled pepperoni on top of the sauce in an even spread. Now use about half of your ground beef the same way. Next shred your fresh mozzarella. The bag stuff just isn't the same. Add the mozzarella cheese evenly. Now use the rest of your ground beef on top followed by the rest of your pepperoni (either balled like before or not, your choice). The thin pepperoni may burn a bit if you do not ball it up. Now top off with your oregano and parmesan cheese. Bake in the preheated oven for between 10 and 15 minuets depending on how brown you want the cheese and how dark and crispy you want the crust. *note* store bought crust will burn if the oven is too hot or if you overcook the pizza. It will be hard. Taking the pizza out as soon as you can see the edges turning golden brown and the middle of the pizza is bubbly and rising. Otherwise the cheese in the center may not be fully cooked, or you will cause the crust to burn. Getting it just right may take some practice, but in the end this is a fantastic pizza in my opinion. Also fun for the whole family.


