

1. Heat oil and butter over low heat until butter is melted and mixtureis hot.

2. Remove from heat and stir in water and brandy.

3. Cool.

4. Stir in beaten eggs.

5. Sift together flour and baking powder with the tablespoon each of cinnamon and cloves.

6. Add to liquid mixture to make a dough that is not too soft.

7. Add a little more flour if necessary.

8. With floured hands shape dough into ovals and indent lengthwise with thumbs.

9. Combine chopped walnuts with sugar anddash each cinnamon and cloves.

10. Put 1 tsp of this filling into the indentation in the dough and close dough over filling.

11. Place on cookie sheets and bake in a 400° oven for about 25 minutes or until golden brown.

12. Cool.

13. Dip cooled cookies into hot syrup and place on racks to drain.

14. Decorate with chopped walnuts.


