Fine Cooking Vichyssoise By James Peterson

Fine Cooking Vichyssoise By James Peterson

1. Leeks must be cleaned thoroughly as soil gets embedded in the plant. For each leek, trim the root and cut off the dark-green top. Then slit the leek lengthwise, without cutting all the way through. Open it like a book and hold it root end up under cold water, riffling through the layers until it is completely clean.

2. Combine the leeks, potatoes, milk and 2 cups of water in a 4-quart pot.

3. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat.

4. Add 1 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt, reduce the heat to medium-low, and simmer until a potato slice falls apart when you poke it with a fork, about 20 minutes.

5. Remove soup from heat, stir in the cream, and let cool briefly.

6. Puree the soup, preferably using a regular blender and working in batches, filling it only halfway each time.

7. Strain the pureed soup through a fine sieve.

8. Let cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally (stirring prevents a skin from forming) and then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.

9. Before serving, thin the soup with water, if necessary. It should be the consistency of heavy cream.

10. Season to taste with Kosher salt.

11. Serve cold in chilled bowls, garnished with the chives.


