Finskt Lamm (Finnish Lamb)

Finskt Lamm (Finnish Lamb)

1. Cut all fat off lamb.

2. Mix salt and mustard together and rub into lamb.

3. Insert slivers of garlic into meat near bone.

4. Place in a heavy baking dish and roast at 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) for 15 minutes.

5. Reduce oven temperature to 350 F (175 degrees C) and roast another 15 minutes.

6. Mix coffee, cream and stock together.

7. Remove lamb from oven, pour coffee, cream and stock over lamb and return it to the oven.

8. Continue cooking until done, about 25 minutes a pound (all-up) to reach medium rare.

9. The most accurate way to determine doneness is with a meat thermometer: 110 degrees F (42 degrees C) is rare, 120 degrees F (58 degrees C) is medium-rare, and 145 degrees F (68 degrees C) is medium-well done.

10. (Don't exceed 145 degrees F or it will become dry.) If you want your roast to be particularly succulent, once it is within 10 degrees F (5 degrees C) of its ideal doneness, remove it from the oven and allow it to rest for 15 or 20 minutes with a tent of foil placed very loosely over it.

11. Sauce: Spoon surplus fat off pan juices.

12. Place pan over medium heat and stir in flour.

13. Cook 2 minutes or until it colours a little.

14. Add cream, red current jelly and seasonings and simmer for a few minutes.

15. Carve the lamb after it has rested, and serve the sauce separately.


