Fire Baked Potatoes

Fire Baked Potatoes

1. Scrub the potatoes and make a zig-zag split down one side.

2. While they are still wet dip each cut side in sea salt.

3. Wrap potato in foil, making sure that the foil join is over the cut side.

4. Cook the potatoes in a pre-heated oven for half an hour at 220C/ 425F/ Gas 7, and then place them in the hot coals at the base of the fire to finish cooking for about 1 hour.

5. When completely cooked, open the foil and gently squeeze the potato until it opens up.

6. Serve filled with butter, shredded cheese and chopped onion.

7. (Try experimenting with different butters, such as garlic, herb, chive or ketchup butter).

