Fish Stew (Moroccan Tagine)

Fish Stew (Moroccan Tagine)

1. Charmoula:

2. Blend the herbs together in a bowl with the garlic & vinegar until pasty. Stir in the lemon juice & spices.

3. Tagine:

4. Cut the fish into 2 inch pieces. Rub each piece with the charmoula & then place into the bowl to marinate (at least 30 minutes).

5. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

6. Slice the carrots in half down the middle. Peel the potatoes & slice thinly. Slice the tomatoes crosswise. Remove the seeds from the peppers & slice into large pieces. Set aside --

7. Place the carrots across the bottom of a 9x13 cake pan (fat end, skinny end, fat end, etc). This becomes a sort of bed for the fish, keeping it from sticking to the bottom & assuring that there is always sauce underneath to give it flavor.

8. Arrange the fish on top of the carrots. Dip the sliced potatoes into the charmoula & spread over the fish. Repeat with tomatoes & peppers. Sprinkle the garlic over the vegetables.

9. Mix the remaining charmoula with the tomato paste, lemon juice, oil, & water. Pour this over the vegetables.

10. Cover with aluminum foil & bake 35 minutes. Remove the cover. Raise the oven heat to the highest setting & move the pan to the uppermost shelf of the oven. Bake additional 20 minutes, or until the fish is cooked & a nice crust has formed over the vegetables.

11. Serve warm, not hot.


