Flaky Hungarian Cookies

Flaky Hungarian Cookies


2. Mix and blend flour, baking powder, water, vinegar, and egg yolks until dough comes clean of hands. Chill.

3. Butter Mixture:

4. Mix margarine, lard and flour together and allow it to soften.

5. When dough is chilled, roll it out and spread with butter mixture; fold dough and refrigerate.

6. Repeat this process 4 times; next day, cut the dough into squares with a hot knife.

7. Fill with chosen filling.

8. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

9. Nut Filling:

10. Grind nuts.

11. Beat egg whites until stiff but still moist.

12. Fold in sugar and nuts carefully.

13. Add lemon rind.

14. Pot Cheese filling:

15. Mash cottage cheese with fork.

16. Add sugar, salt and eggs. Mix very well.

17. Poppyseed Filling:

18. Cook poppy seeds, sugar, milk, and butter until thick, for 10 to 15 minutes on low flame.

19. Add lemon rind.

20. Cool well before using.

21. Apricot Filling:

22. Cook dried apricots until tender; mash and add sugar to taste.

23. Drained crushed pineapple may be added.


