Flaming Irish Coffee

Flaming Irish Coffee

1. In a small plate pour 3 tablespoons of sugar in the center.

2. In a separate plate pour 1/4 cup of water.

3. Take a large wine glass that is fairly sturdy. DO NOT use a thin or expensive glass as it's possible that it could break from the heat.

4. Turn wine glass upside down and dip it in the water plate to wet the rim.

5. Immediately dip it in the sugar plate to coat the rim of the glass with sugar.

6. Set glass upright on countertop.

7. Pour a small splash ( about a teaspoon ) of Bacardi 151 into the wine glass.

8. Pick up glass and swirl the Bacardi 151 around to coat the inside of the glass. Put the glass down again.

9. Light a match in one hand and pick the glass up with the other hand. Carefully tip the glass at a 45 degree angle and bring lit match to the mouth of the glass. It will ignite quickly.

10. Turn the glass so that the fire evenly carmellizes the sugar on the rim of the glass. Do this for about 20-30 seconds.

11. Put glass down on countertop and cover with a plate to extinguish the flame.

12. Pour in 4 liquors and fill the remainder of the glass with coffee up to about a quarter inch from the top.

13. Top off with whipped cream.

14. Enjoy the best coffee drink that you have ever had!


