Flammkuchen Apfel Calvados

Flammkuchen Apfel Calvados

1. Combine flour, water, oil and salt. Make a dough. Knead well. Cover with foil (so the dough does not dry out) and let it rest for half an hour in the refrigerator. Preheat oven at 410 F degrees.

2. Roll out dough very thin and place on baking sheet.

3. Spread dough with yogurt, like you would a pizza sauce.

4. Chop apples finely, marinate in cinnamon sugar, Calvados, and salt.

5. Spread apple mixture onto yogurt-covered dough evenly.

6. Bake for 6 minutes, or until edges of crust turn brown, and the crust is a cracker-like texture.


