Flavoured Vinegar

Flavoured Vinegar

1. Collect the number of bottles necessary, with sound corks to fit. Wash the bottles in hot soapy water, rinse first in very hot water then in cold, drain, dry and heat in a slow oven. Scald the corks in boiling water.

2. Pour the vinegar into an enamel-lined or stainless steel pan and over a low temperature bring slowly to blood heat.

3. It should be quite warm to the touch of a knuckle joint, no more.

4. Add shallots, garlic, mustard seed or tarragon to the warm bottles. (If using tarragon, this should be bent double and pushed down the neck of the bottle.).

5. Fill up with warm vinegar, cork down tightly, and place on a sunny window sill to mature for 6 weeks before use.


