Foolproof Thai Sticky Rice

Foolproof Thai Sticky Rice

1. Place rice into a mesh colander.

2. Rinse the rice grains in two or three changes of cold water in a bowl until the water runs clear from the colander.

3. Place the rice into a bowl and fill with cool water to 2 to 3 inches above the rice.

4. Cover the bowl and allow the rice to soak for 6 to 8 hours.

5. Drain the rice and transfer to cheesecloth-lined steamer or pasta pot basket.

6. Set steamer on wok or pasta pot with boiling water; do not let rice touch boiling water.

7. Cover pot and steam rice, checking water level often, adding more boiling water as need; cook for 20 minutes.

8. Remove from heat and let stand, covered for 5 minutes before serving.

