Fred'S Posole Rojo

Fred'S Posole Rojo

1. Trim fat from ribs. Add ribs, shanks, celery, 2-onions quartered (skins & all) mint, cilantro, 20 cloves garlic, peppercorns, oregano, both cans chicken broth, cumin, 1-tbsp and enough water to cover all ingredients. Bring to a boil; cover and simmer for 2-hours. Remove meat, and allow to cool thoroughly before removing from bones. Skim fat from broth.

2. Stem and seed Chiles.

3. Roast chilies in dry cast iron skillet for approximately 2-minutes. Place chilies into bowl and cover with hot water and cover bowl. Let steep for approximately 30-minutes. In food processor, place 1-chopped onion and 10-cloves garlic. Process until minced. When chiles are done, put them and 1-1/2 cups of liquid from chiles in the processor, salt and pepper to taste. Process until puree is smooth. Heat cast iron skillet with 2 tbsp vegetable oil, and add chile puree. Cook for approximately 5 minutes or until puree has thickened. Turn off and remove heat.

4. Once shanks and pork have cooled, shred meat. Add remaining ingredients: stock, meat, hominy and chile puree back into pot and bring to a boil. Turn down heat and simmer for 1-hour. Serve with condiments: sliced green onions, cabbage, radishes, dried oregano and tortilla chips. Enjoy!


