French Toast Kebabs

French Toast Kebabs

1. Combine coconut milk, eggs and vanilla in a non-reactive bowl and whisk throughly.

2. Cut bread into 1" thick slices and submerge it into the egg mixture and squeeze the bread a little with gentle pressure. Stop when there are no more air bubbles.

3. Spread bread onto greased sheet pan and bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes, or until bread springs back slowly when touched.

4. While bread is baking, grill pineapple rings until tender and then remove and cool.

5. When coconut toast is done, remove from oven and cool. Remove from sheet pan.

6. Cut the pineapple rings and the slices of toast into small pieces between 1" and 2".

7. To assemble kabab, begin by soaking the skewers in water and then pat dry. Use this order to assemble: toast, pineapple, strawberry, toast.

8. Serve several skewers per person or as a brunch buffet item, have the skewers sticking out of a watermelon.


