French Toast Pie

French Toast Pie

1. Grease or spray 9” deep sided pie pan. Tear the bread into small pieces. There should be a good covering of bread in the pan. Beat the eggs and milk till just blended, add spices and sugar. Pour over the bread, pushing any pieces not cover down till all are wet. Cut the cream cheese into small chunks and scatter evenly. Place in a larger pan with about an inch of water in it and cook 25 minutes. It should be firm and lift out of the pan easily. Depending on appetite, this makes 2 to 4 servings.

2. This is based off an illustration from a late 1930s newspaper. The author was pushing it as a way to use those bread crust you cut from sandwich bread. I don't do that, but I do keep a bag for those extra hotdog buns, loaf heels and other stray bits of bread. I keep the bag in the freezer.

3. This is an easy way to make an elegant breakfast and still enjoy your guests. A little maple syrup and maybe fresh strawberries make nice finish. Prep the pie the night before and cover with foil or plastic wrap. The next morning pull it out of the refrigerator and let it sit while the oven preheats.


