Fresh Pineapple Ricotta Pie

Fresh Pineapple Ricotta Pie

1. Shell:

2. Heat oven to 350ºF.

3. Remove 1 cookie, coarsely crush & set aside. Place cookies in your food processor & pulse to make fine crumbs. Reserve 1/2 cup crumbs for filling.

4. Mix remaining crumbs and sugar. Stir in the melted butter. Press over bottom & up sides of a 9 inch pie pan.

5. Bake for 10 minutes. Cool completely.

6. Filling:

7. Stir together ricotta & sugar.

8. Set aside 1/4 cup pineapple for garnish then mix remaining pineapple into cheese mixture.

9. In a small bowl, whip cream & confectioners' sugar until stiff peaks form.

10. Fold 1/2 cup reserved cookie crumbs & whipped cream into pineapple cheese mixture.

11. Gently scrape filling into cooled cookie crust, mounding in the center.

12. Garnish with reserved pineapple & coarsely crushed cookie.

13. Freeze 6 hours or overnight.

14. To serve, remove from freezer and place in the fridge 15-20 minutes for easier cutting.


