Fried Idlis

Fried Idlis

1. First cut the idlis into finger size pieces.

2. Deep fry these fingers to golden brown. Drain and keep aside.

3. Heat 2-3 tbsp oil in a wok.

4. Once it is hot add the onions which are sliced lengthwise.

5. Fry them till transparent.

6. Now add the tomatoes which are sliced slightly but thick lengthwise.

7. Toss for a minute then add capsicum sliced lengthwise; stir for a minute on a very flame.

8. Now mix in chilli powder, haldi, coriander powder and garam masala. Fry for a minute.Add half of the chopped coriander, the fried fingers, salt. Keep tossing it over high flame for a minute then add the tomato juice mix well.

9. Toss for a minute more. Remove from flame and transfer to a serving plate.

10. Serve this hot garnished with remaining coriander, lemon wedges and slit green chillies.

11. The kashmiri chilli powder is added so as to give the dish a nice red color.


