Fried Moroccan Honey Cakes

Fried Moroccan Honey Cakes

1. Whisk the eggs, orange juice and oil together in a large bowl. Add the orange zest and sugar and whisk until frothy.

2. Stir in the flour and baking powder and mix with a WOODEN SPOON until smooth, but still a bit sticky. Cover and set aside for 1 hour.

3. For the syrup, in a saucepan, heat water with lemon juice and sugar, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the honey and orange zest and simmer for another 5 minutes. Keep warm.

4. Sprinkle some flour onto the dough and transfer it to a lightly floured surface. Work in just enough extra flour to make a dough that doesn't stick to your hands.

5. Roll it out to a 1/4 inch thickness. It will be very elastic, so just keep rolling and resting until it stops shrinking back.

6. Using a 2 inch cookie cutter, cut out round shapes.

7. Heat the oil in a large deep-sided frying pan to 325F or until a cube of bread dropped into the oil browns in 20 seconds. Fry the cakes 3 or 4 at a time until puffed and golden, about 1 minute on each side. Remove and drain on paper towels.

8. Using tongs, dip each cake into the warm syrup long enough for it to soak inches Transfer to a serving platter. Serve warm or cold.


